PLASMON and HAG emailschilds

HELLO , all knows HAG emailschilds , but what it is PLASMON , it is good sign or not ??? , thenks for any help , regards , Lukasz


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10 Gedanken zu „PLASMON and HAG emailschilds

  1. stiller beobachter

    Hey Luckie,

    you again :-))

    Were dig you out all that schilds? In my ice you be the biggest schilds digger in this Universum!

    I has that PLASMON schild in much colors, greenly, bluewhite like you, yellowish and undefinierbar beige (you knowing Kotze??)

    But what the f**** is that ather schild you showing?? I never seen that. Is it for peoples what living on HARTZ 4?? SCHONT IHR HARZ meaning in Germany you can sitting on Couch eats Chips and Drinks Bier how many how you likes and always is the cole on your Bankkonto. You not having this in Polen? Well, you see why so much peoples comming to us – no working, zaster anyways.

    How many you want for the schield? But I must telling you that I has not many – Chips and Bier is very exbr…expu…exgoi…teuer hear!

    Sank you.

  2. stiller beobachter


    Ich bin zwar nicht dein Therapeut, aber dennoch ein gut gemeinter Rat:

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Das entspannt, glaub mir. Und man bleibt länger gesund!

    P.S. Nimm dir ein Beispiel an Luckaszszs, der weiß wie es geht 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. Blechdosenjunkie

    OK, OK, ich hab verstanden: es scheint sich hier um eine gespaltene (oder sogar multiple) Persönlichkeit zu handeln…. stiller beobachter = LUKASZ oder umgekehrt, hab ich Recht ??

  4. hofnar

    moin lukasz!

    envy and attention deficits .
    they are existing already about 30 years ago in this scene .
    in today’s anonymous digital world it is getting harder and harder.

    i don’t give a shit on it .

    keep calm and carry on ;- )

    schön gruss


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